
Winter Sandals, Summer Fleece

I saw something shocking on my way to work the other day. While bundled in a long sleeved shirt, wool sweater and coat, with a Pashmina, hat and gloves, I saw a man with his bike a the bus stop in SANDALS. He wasn’t overly well dressed for cold weather, in jeans, t-shirt and open jacket. Now, having lived in Oregon for the past decade I have come to be aware of what “true Oregonians” consider winter attire. This primarily consists of the inbred belief that flip-flops are a necessity year round, and sweaters and umbrellas are for tourists.

I do not uphold this belief. I love getting dressed up for winter, layering on leggings with my sweater dress and UGG Swell Tall boots, a sweater and a jacket, and a rotating army of scarves, hats and gloves. I don’t enjoy being frozen, especially knowing how easy a situation that is to avoid. So personally, I do not consider myself a “true Oregonian.” I like umbrellas, and only wear flip flops when it’s above 75 degrees.

